Lunch with the League welcomes Isaac Hunt, who will speak about how and why it is best for the community to come together to reduce gun violence in the city, as well as the methods and entities that must play a role. The event takes place tomorrow, November 8 at noon at the South Bend Chocolate Café in downtown South Bend.
Hunt is the Director for GVI Social Services for the Group Violence Intervention Initiative for Goodwill Industries of Michiana, where he oversees the social services for Gary for Life, South Bend’s Group Violence Intervention and South Bend SAVE (Stand Against Violence Everyday) Outreach Team. A native of Chicago, Hunt has lived in South Bend since 1970 and is a graduate of South Bend Washington High School and Indiana State University, where he majored in Criminal Justice with a minor in Business Administration.
Hunt is a United States Army veteran, an active community volunteer and leader, and speaks at colleges, universities, conferences, and in the community. He was one of the founders and a former board member of Xavier School of Excellence, a member of 100 Black Men of Greater South Bend, South Bend’s “Not in Our Community Committee,” the Commission on the Status of Black Males, the Ivy Tech Criminal Justice Advisory Committee, the University of Notre Dame Community Engagement Correlation Council, the South Bend Community School Corporation African American Student and Family Services, and the Criminal Justice Chair for NAACP. He is also a member of the national honor society Alpha Sigma Lambda.
This event is free and open to the public. Attendees are welcome to arrive early to purchase lunch before the talk.