Here’s a sweet way that you can help support St. Joseph County Parks.
The Rent-a-Sap Tank program supports the sugaring operations at Bendix Woods County Park. You can sponsor a sap tank in your own name or honor a loved one.
For a $30 donation, you receive:
- 1 pint of Bendix Woods’ pure maple syrup
- 1 half-pound of maple fudge from Veni’s Sweet Shop
- 1 Gate Pass (one-time use, April 1-October 31)
- Entered into a drawing to win an Annual Gate Pass
- Entered into a drawing to win a kayak trip for two at Ferrettie-Baugo Creek County Park
For more information, call 574-654-3155 or click here for the Rent-A-Sap Tank form on the St. Joseph County Parks website.