The yearlong celebration of South Bend’s sesquicentennial continues this weekend.
The monthly series “Discover South Bend” makes its return on Saturday from 1 until 4 pm at the Kroc Center. This month’s theme is all about science and technology. The South Bend 150 website describes the events below:
-Find out how local graduate students created a video game that helps cure diseases.
-Learn about how collecting butterflies in your backyard can help scientists track climate change adaptation.
-Come hear about the invisible tech infrastructure that’s turning South Bend into the newest technology hub.
The event will feature displays from Citizen Science, Michiana Science and Technology Center, Science Cafe, the JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements, the Pieris Project, the History of Science Society, and other groups offering participants an opportunity to connect with local scientists.
South Bend Voice covered the Pieris Project back in October. The project uses “citizen scientists” to collect butterflies from around the globe. The butterflies undergo genetic sequencing to look at the impact of climate change on the species. You can find out more about that project here.
The “Discover South Bend” event is free and open to the public, although the event organizers recommend that children be 12 or older.