Indiana’s legislature is currently considering a number of so-called “religious freedom” bills that have arose in the months since the state was forced to begin recognizing same-sex marriages. Senate Bill…more»
There will not be a state-run news website in Indiana. After receiving harsh criticism in the press and among politicians in his own party, Governor Mike Pence sent out a…more»
Governor Mike Pence is set to launch a state-run media outlet to compete with private news outlets and shape the way that news is reported in Indiana, according to a…more»
Governor Mike Pence delivered his State of the State address to the Indiana General Assembly last night. Below we have the full text of his speech: Speaker Bosma, President Pro…more»
President Barack Obama unveiled a bold plan yesterday that would provide protection from deportation for up to four million undocumented immigrants, while promising to step up efforts to curtail illegal…more»
Governor Mike Pence’s decision to reject an $80 million federal grant for pre-K education has drawn criticism from across the political spectrum. Pence announced last week that Indiana would pull…more»
Governor Mike Pence’s plan to expand Medicaid through a high deductible state program known as HIP is receiving resistance from the federal government. “We had a substantive discussion, but we…more»
Richard Mourdock resigned today from the office of Indiana Treasurer. Mourdock had served as Treasurer since 2007. Mourdock was re-elected in November 2010 against Pete Buttigieg. Buttigieg, who had never…more»
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